Darby Hayes
Elementary Education
Tool Masteries
Through my Tool Masteries, I have been able to research and learn about new eduational tools and how to incorporate them into my future lesson plans and classrooms. These tools aid in student learning and bring new, exciting ways to teach students about a variety of subjects and concepts.
IMAGE CREDIT: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oJb7NnqdjX8/UVCrlm1V0RI/AAAAAAAAYxI/6bhRBjeNvno/s1600/Screen+Shot+2013-03-25+at+3.49.30+PM.png
Description: Scholastic’s Story Starters is an interactive web tool that can be used to inspire students by generating over a hundred fun and interesting narrative writing prompts. Students are able to pick the type of prompt they want (Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Scrambler), then their grade level, and then the website generates four random phrases/items that make a writing prompt. Students are able to pick what they want to write about and the format in which they will write (notebook, letter, newspaper), so that they will be the most comfortable while writing. The website promotes creative writing and would be easy to use in the classroom.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Rationale: Creating; I chose this level because creating is concerned with putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole. Students must use all they have learned about writing, from introductions, conclusions, specific details, and event order to use Story Starters in order to use a fun writing prompt to write a narrative story. Students must be able to organize their thoughts and plan the way in which they will go about writing these narrative essays.
ISTE Standards and Rationale: Creativity and Innovation; I chose this standard because by using this tool, students will be thinking creatively in order to write a story based off fun, narrative prompts. In order to write on these prompts, students must be able to apply existing knowledge about writing in order to create new ideas. By using Story Starters, students will also be creating original works as means of personal expression through writing.
Criteria: I found Story Starters through my work with the Digital Curation Assignment. I chose this tool for a number of reasons. This tool is easy to use and makes the steps to finding a writing prompt very clear. Another reason this tool is great is because it can be used in a variety of grade levels and for a variety of subject matter in schools. The writing prompts go from kindergarten to sixth grade, and cover a wide range of topics, making it a very valuable tool to a number of teachers. Story Starter’s is also a great tool because it gives students a fun way to learn about writing and allows them to customize their prompts, making learning more fun.
ALCOS: [W.1.3] Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, and use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
By using this tool, students will be prompted to write narratives that include specific details, events, and characters based on the prompts given to them. The prompts give students the chance to tell a story in a sequence of events, with both an opener and conclusion to their story.
IMAGE CREDIT: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Quizlet_logo.png
Description: Quizlet is a free online learning tool for students. Students can create sets of flashcards for any subject in school, and publish them to help themselves and others study. Quizlet is free to use by signing up with a valid email address, and all materials on the website are user generated. After creating sets of flashcards, students can then turn them into different learning games and tests, such as multiple choice and written questions, cards games, scatter games, and race games.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Rationale: Understanding; Quizlet is a tool that would be used during the learning or studying phase of the academic process. Students would be able to see how much of the information they know, then make adjustments to their learning process based on how much understanding they have.
ISTE Standards and Rationale: Communication and Collaboration; Student’s who use Quizlet can make their sets of flashcards public, meaning anyone can access them. Students would be able to use this online tool to collaborate and help each other with missing notes and communicate information. This tool would help support individual learning through group contribution to the Quizlet set.
Criteria: I have been using Quizlet since high school, and it has helped me tremendously through studying and making sure I know all of the information I need to know. One reason I chose Quizlet for my tool mastery is because of how easy it is to use. Not only is it free, anyone that has a valid email address can create an account and start making flashcard sets. Another reason Quizlet is great is because it can be used by anyone, no matter the age or grade level, and it can also be accessed on any device that has Internet access. Quizlet also positively reinforces the idea of learning and gives users a variety of ways to learn using technology.
ALCOS: (Social Studies, 2010, Grade 2) Identify states, continents, oceans, and the equator using maps, globes, and technology.
Identifying map elements, including title, legend, compass rose, and scale
Identifying the intermediate directions of northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest
Recognizing technological resources such as a virtual globe, satellite images, and radar
Locating points on a grid
IMAGE CREDIT: https://www.historypin.org/resources/images/hp_logo.png
Description: History Pin is a fun educational tool that allows people to learn about historical events in a new, exciting way! History Pin is a way for people to come together and learn about different times in history. History Pin is an online, shared archive of videos, pictures, articles, and sounds, all related to one topic to help people get a wider understanding of a certain point in time through a variety of resources.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Rationale: Create; I chose this level because in order to use this web tool, students would need to put together elements to create a coherent whole. Students would need to be able to pull different sources of information from a variety of resources and have them all relate to a specific time in history. By bringing together various parts, students would be creating new ideas in a way that is easily understood.
ISTE Standard and Rationale: Creativity and Innovation; I chose this standard because students using History Pin will be applying their existing knowledge of specific times in history to generate a coherent presentation that uses different resources to help people learn.
Criteria: I think History Pin is a very useful tool for a number of reasons. First of all, this website is free to use, making it available for anyone who has a device that connects to the Internet. History Pin is also useful to anyone, from elementary students to adults. A wide variety of people can use this site to learn more about history or create their own history boards. Another reason History Pin is useful is because it combines a number of resources, from video and audio to pictures and articles, in order to form the greatest understanding of historic events.
ALCOS: [Social Studies, Grade 6] 6.) Identify causes and consequences of World War II and reasons for the United States' entry into the war.